Sample Use Cases
reading time: 1 minute
CTR recommendation
Improve your click-through rate by using newest machine learning techniques. Our models provide you with valuable real-time recommendations for your website visitors to improve customer experience and conversion rates.
Comparable industry cases register
You want to provide your customers with the products that best fits their needs and make their journey as convenient as possible - in particular, if customers come via paid ads. Recommending the right products at the right time and place is then crucial in online selling and an intelligent recommendation system helps you to achieve best conversion. Our recommendation models make use of customer histories, content and context and provide customers with product suggestions that lead most probably to a buy. gains in CTR of up to 7.3%
Sample Use Cases
Dynamic systems control
Conversion rate
reading time: 1 minute
Online resource allocation
Improve your campaign successes with state-of-the-art machine learning and dynamic system control techniques. Our approaches help you to allocate your valuable online resources to the most promising customers and thereby to increase your conversion rate.
Comparable industry applications show
You want to distribute coupons and similar limited online resources or free probes to the most promising customers? Our machine learning models aim to detect which user intent correspond best to a user request and to then allocate resources to the customers most likely to buy. They help you to make intelligent real-time decisions that leverage value for your business.