energy & control


System Control

Sample Use Cases

Artificial Neural Networks


Energy savings

reading time: 1 minute

Energy efficiency

Your gains:

  • Cost savings
  • More confident configuration changes
  • Optimal plant configuration
  • Reduced carbon footprint
Predict energy consumption and optimize your plant's efficiency. Our artificial neural networks allow you to model complex dynamics between equipment and environment that can help to make better decisions for your company and our nature.
Depending on the plant

savings of up to 40% can be achieved - higher than with rules and heuristics

You know your own energy consumption costs and your equipment. Interactions between equipment and environment determine a high degree of complexity and you know that this inconceivably large number of conditions (weather, switches, pumps, etc.) does not allow for rules for every scenario. Integrate intelligent software that improves your plant configurations towards greater efficiency - thereby also supporting at anomaly detection.

Control Strategy

Percentage of fine-tuning actions
Power increase

reading time: 1 minute

Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)

Your gains:

  • Increase value of operations and for customers
  • Operate at MPP under various conditions
  • Optimize in highly complex environments
  • Adapt controllers to new conditions
Fit with us an adaptive algorithm to your plant's MPP controller and increase effectiveness. We train state-of-the-art algorithms that have shown outstanding performance on historical data as well as real deployments.
WIth the right algorithm and enough data

deviation from theoretical MPP can decrease below 1% 

You know your market and that even small gains in effectiveness of your products or plants can impact your competitiveness and your customer's satisfaction. Gaining such effectiveness in ever complex environments are growing challenges. Our intelligent software agents are able to achieve effectiveness gains despite this complexity and can develop intelligent control strategies for your hardware.

Looking for something else?

We develop ideas with or for you and support you and your team along the whole A.I. transformation journey. Unlimited creativity, well-experienced practices and a broad expertise are at your disposal. If you are interested to outsource pioneer work let’s get in contact.

Approach, Envision & Shape
Build, Tune & Deploy
Instruct, Guide & Empower

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